Following a pair of tense rescues of a wheelchair-bound quadriplegic and an obese woman impaled on an iron fence, Tommy wakes up to face another day to find that his dad has nearly set the kitchen on fire. After Tommy suggests that his dad might be safer in a nursing home, he gets another big surprise when Lou admits to spending the night with a nun. But Tommy's problems only get worse when Sheila calls to say that his dad has disappeared after leaving a suicide note. Meanwhile, as Franco suspects that Natalie's brother may be faking his mental illness, and Sean asks Maggie to agree to a church wedding, Jerry suffers from performance anxiety when Karlene suggests having sex. While searching for the elder Gavin, Lou is suspicious when Tommy says he's OK with his retiring to work on his cousin's fishing boat. Then, after a thorough search of a host of Irish bars doesn't produce a lead, Tommy finds his dad at the cemetery where his wife, Mary, nephew Jimmy and grandson Connor are buried. And after convincing his dad that he won't send him away, Tommy is intrigued when Lou suggests that the old man move in with his aging Uncle Red. Meanwhile, as Franco gets Richard to admit to his ruse, Sean is upset after Maggie's rude behavior causes a priest to refuse to marry them in the church. When Jerry wants some Viagra before his next date with Karlene, Tommy asks to Sheila to help, unaware that she's about to buy a beach house where they can live together. While Sean tells Maggie that he is calling off their engagement, Mike looks to curb his homosexual impulses by spending the night with Paula. Finally, as Tommy and Lou realize that paring up the two old men in their lives may just work, and Jerry's next date with Karlene ends in disaster when he dies during sex, Johnny is cut down in the line of duty by a trio of gunshots.
44 min · Aug 14, 2006