108 episodes

If you’re in the middle of a life transformation and have a desire to turn things around to create an Audacious Life - the one YOU want, not what others expect - you’re in the right place! It's time to live life on your terms, let go of toxic controlling relationships, old stories, and domestic brainwashing, to allow yourself to dream, go for it, and become your best self.

Here you'll find encouragement to find freedom from what’s holding you back, hear interviews of healing and profound transformation. Learn how to tap into your intuition, find your voice, and take practical steps to move toward more peace, income, happiness, abundance, and a supportive community who care about you. Welcome! Lots of Love, Steph xo

The Audacious Life - Break Free Stephani Roberts

    • Education
    • 4.5 • 50 Ratings

If you’re in the middle of a life transformation and have a desire to turn things around to create an Audacious Life - the one YOU want, not what others expect - you’re in the right place! It's time to live life on your terms, let go of toxic controlling relationships, old stories, and domestic brainwashing, to allow yourself to dream, go for it, and become your best self.

Here you'll find encouragement to find freedom from what’s holding you back, hear interviews of healing and profound transformation. Learn how to tap into your intuition, find your voice, and take practical steps to move toward more peace, income, happiness, abundance, and a supportive community who care about you. Welcome! Lots of Love, Steph xo

    Bethenny's Mom Passed - what happened to the divorce videos?

    Bethenny's Mom Passed - what happened to the divorce videos?

    Bethenny's Mom Passed - what happened to the divorce videos?

    Bethenny Frankel was on a role sharing about her messy 10-year divorce and my last podcast was all about this. But what happened to Bethenny's divorce videos?"

     When she decided to share about her divorce, I was ecstatic and shared why I think she'll be a solid, outspoken catalyst for awareness around emotional abuse, coercive control, and more.

    Then I saw that her mom died just a few days after I posted the podcast.

    Heartbreaking and awful timing given the roll she was on and how great she reports she was feeling. Stating that she felt, "Good" and "free."

    I figured she would pause her episodes to grieve the loss of her mother.

    However, a listener shared that the videos have been pulled down. ") This is  about why she pulled them down, her plan IS to share more information moving forward and an alternate place to get information regarding the details of her divorce (BRAVO Docket, link below) if you can't wait or are now so curious about her specific situation. 
    Please subscribe to her channel and remember to click the bell to be notified when she goes live or shares. It seems like she's on a roll, so we can expect more.
    And SHARE with other women!
    BETHENNY ON THE LOSS OF HER MOTHER: https://youtu.be/yaHvmtGr5hE?si=RTKWtSW4EPOregD4
    PART 1: https://podcasts.apple.com/lv/podcast/bethennys-divorce-it-just-goes-on-and-on-my-friend-pt-i/id1549568903?i=1000579166591
    PART 2: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bethennys-divorce-it-just-goes-on-and-on-my-friend-pt-ii/id1549568903?i=1000580622246
    You may *eventually* be able to see her previous videos below.
    - CNN article on the research: https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/12/health/early-signs-of-intimate-partner-violence-wellness/index.html
    - The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474
    - The National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or online.rainn.org
    Check out my free lesson to learn about the power of podcast guest appearances to build an audience, amplify your authority, and build your brand while growing your email list with warm leads.

    • 9 min
    Bethenny Frankel's Messy 10 Year Divorce - She's Sharing So We Can Learn

    Bethenny Frankel's Messy 10 Year Divorce - She's Sharing So We Can Learn

    Bethenny Frankel's Messy 10-Year Divorce - She's Sharing So We Can Learn

    As a longtime fan of Bethenny Frankel, I've been waiting for her to share more about her relationship with her former husband and father of their daughter, Bryn.  

    As outspoken as she is, she clearly had a gag order in place for many years. And she now considers herself an "expert on Divorce" as she  researched and dug deep to help her case. 

    I caught a YouTube Live with Bethenny sharing that she's decided to share the details of her divorce.

    And she aims to help other women!

    Imagine what Bethenny Frankel can do to spread awareness around narcissism and post-separation abuse, including family court corruption. 

    She's a black belt in verbal jujitsu and can sling memorable one-liners effortlessly. Her impact WILL BE FELT.

    I immediately recorded this after watching, and she went live again today before I could get this out. 

    You can catch her previous videos below.

    Please do go and subscribe, and remember to click the bell so you'll be notified when she goes live or shares. It seems like she's on a roll, so we can expect more.

    And SHARE with other women!!

    Thanks for listening!

    I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this. I will have the YouTube video up on my channel ASAP, along with questions in the community tab.

    Lots of Love!
    Image attribution for promotional graphic
    "bethenny-frankel-book-a-place-of-yes-330kk" by ekelly89 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

    • 17 min
    Fueling Healthy Thoughts: Overcoming Darkness and Transformative Resilience

    Fueling Healthy Thoughts: Overcoming Darkness and Transformative Resilience

    Fueling Healthy Thoughts: Overcoming Darkness and Transformative Resilience

    In this episode I have some raw and vulnerable moments about this year and reflect on what I believe I need to work on with my own stinkin' thinkin'. Being more intentional with what we feed our minds is essential in turning things around, creating hope in our lives, and being a light in the darkness. 

    It was recorded on MLK Day and I was inspired by his memory and his ability to be the man outside the box pushing through oppressive norms and spurring on all people of color to dare to dream bigger, and believe that more is possible.

    Here's a run down of this episode
    Reflecting on the challenges of the past year and the struggle to maintain balance in life. Drawing inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr. and the power of intention. Connecting with the Audience:
    Acknowledging the shared difficulties many face, emphasizing the feeling of being overwhelmed. Encouraging listeners not to feel alone in their struggles. The Four Nutriments:
    Exploring Thich Nhat Hanh's concept of the four nutrients (Edible food, Sense impressions, Volition, and Consciousness). Emphasizing the importance of identifying sources of suffering and finding peace and joy. Navigating Personal Struggles:
    Sharing personal struggles with podcasting, career decisions, and the challenges of parenting. Expressing empathy for those facing overwhelming situations and the difficulty of finding options. MLK Day Reflection:
    Reflecting on personal connection to Martin Luther King Jr. and the power of intention in creating positive change. Mentioning the influence of spoken words, particularly MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. Coping Strategies and Tools:
    Introducing coping strategies, including mindful eating and being aware of sense impressions. Discussing the impact of volition on happiness and the importance of cultivating healthy desires. Addressing the role of consciousness in transforming painful events and finding enlightenment. Focusing on Healing and Positivity:
    Highlighting the challenge of podcasting about abuse without inadvertently perpetuating negativity. Exploring the power of focus and intention in creating positive change. Expressing a desire to shift the podcast's focus towards healing, love, peace, and thriving. Inviting Positive Stories:
    Sharing the intention to invite guests who have overcome darkness and transformed their lives. Expressing the need for positive role models and stories of turning life around. Acknowledging personal challenges and the importance of collective healing. Closing Thoughts:
    Offering tools for managing anxiety and promoting well-being, including heart math techniques and grounding practices. Sending love, hope, and thoughts for a brighter future to the listeners. Encouraging subscriptions, reviews, and engagement to build a community focused on healing.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Thich Nhat Hahn's "How to Focus" beautiful book.

    Inner Balance Heart Math App for heart brain coherence and learning to ground and become less anxious. And help the collective energy of your family, home, town, the World.

    Earthing, grounding mat for grounding while indoors. Just plug it into a grounded outlet. I use mine near my desk for my feet while working and under my sheets so I can ground while sleeping. Amazing!!

    DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through a link here. I would never recommend a product I don't use or love myself!    

    Thanks for tuning in! Sending lots of Love and wishes for a healthy 2024!


    • 26 min
    New Study Uncovers the 16 Early Warnings Signs of Emotionally Abusive Partners

    New Study Uncovers the 16 Early Warnings Signs of Emotionally Abusive Partners

    New Study Uncovers the 16 Early Warnings Signs of Emotionally Abusive Partners

    In this episode, I dive into brand new research that pinpoints behaviors you should look out for early on in a romantic relationship that could indicate your partner has the potential for emotional abuse, physical violence, and controlling tactics down the road.
    The study comes from the University of Western Ontario in Canada, with the goal of uncovering what factors accurately predict if intimate partner violence is likely.
    I share the 16 predictors the researchers identified - ranging from pressuring you into sex to creating uncomfortable public situations. A few stand out as being particularly concerning if they happen early in dating.
    Some of the key signs to pay attention to:
    Your partner blames their ex for everything You feel you can't say no because your partner reacts negatively Your partner refuses to admit fault or take responsibility You have trouble focusing at work because your relationship consumes your thoughts The more of these that you notice, the higher likelihood of future abuse in the relationship. While a few issues here and there can potentially be worked on, a pattern of multiple signs is a red flag.
    I also discuss talking to your teenagers about healthy and unhealthy behaviors in both friendships and dating relationships. Getting this information early helps them identify poor treatment before it becomes normalized in their relationships.
    The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474 The National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or online.rainn.org CNN article on the research: https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/12/health/early-signs-of-intimate-partner-violence-wellness/index.html
    Check out the YouTube Channel

    • 20 min
    Unwrapping the Gift of Lundy Bancroft: Emotional Healing Ideas for the Holidays

    Unwrapping the Gift of Lundy Bancroft: Emotional Healing Ideas for the Holidays

    How to get more of Lundy Bancroft? That's one of the most common questions I get. People often ask where Lundy Bancroft is and they want more access to his work.

    Lundy has a program called the Peak Living Network (PLN) that helps with emotional healing and recovery. 

    And as a gesture of support through this holiday season and into the New Year, I want to share some of the best places to find Lundy and possibly be trained by Lundy in his Peak Living Network for emotional healing. 

    I was in his PLN program and found it incredibly beneficial.

    If you join now you may be approved and able to start learning ways to connect with others in a safe way, virtually and in-person.

    Peak Living Network (PLN) - https://peaklivingnetwork.org
    - Based on Lundy's book "The Joyous Recovery."
    - Involves co-counseling sessions in groups or pairs to share and process emotions.
    - Not a substitute for therapy but can be a helpful adjunct.
    - An option if you can't afford therapy or are waiting to access it.
    - Requires some training first before joining the network.
    - International network with an online option.

    Other Ways to Connect with Lundy
    - https://lundybancroft.com has his books, articles, resources lists etc.
    - Active Facebook page with over 23k followers.   / lundybancroft  
    - Mentions upcoming events, podcast interviews etc.
    - HelpGuide.org has resources on abusive relationships. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/ab...

     - Consider joining Peak Living Network for more direct contact with Lundy.
    - Check his website and Facebook page for updates.
    - Provide suggestions for other content from Lundy eg podcast, YouTube channel.

    Check out my FREE video Lesson and get the pitch sheet.
    ➡︎ https://bit.ly/pod-lesson

    Check out The Audacious Mamas Podcast website and blog
    ➡︎ http://audaciousmamas.com

    Check out The Audacious Life Podcast website and blog
    ➡︎ http://theaudaciouslife.com 

    Learn more at http://audaciousmamas.com

    • 9 min
    Why Become an Entrepreneur as a Survivor of Narcissistic Abuse?

    Why Become an Entrepreneur as a Survivor of Narcissistic Abuse?

    Why Become an Entrepreneur as a Survivor of Narcissistic Abuse?

    In this podcast episode, Steph discusses the advantages of entrepreneurship for mothers who have survived narcissistic or toxic abuse. Steph shares that being an entrepreneur provides a sense of independence and control, which is empowering after experiencing control in a previous relationship.

    Starting a business can rebuild confidence, provide a sense of purpose, and connect survivors with others. When you're rebuilding your identity and starting over this infuses you with confidence.

    Flexibility is another advantage of entrepreneurship, allowing mothers to create a schedule that works for them and their families. Financial stability is also a benefit, although it may not be financially feasible in the beginning. 

    Steph encourages listeners to take advantage of free resources for coaching and building your business, as well as leveraging highly targeted podcasts, to build your brand and attract customers. Overall, entrepreneurship can provide a fresh start and a way for survivors to take control of their future and work toward their dreams.

    Check out the Audacious Mamas podcast and join the email list to be the first to learn more about the community, support for your dreams, the mindset and spiritual work required, and learn valuable skills to build and scale your business or income stream as a side hustle. 


    Here's a breakdown of the reasons why there are so many advantages for moms and parents who are starting over.
    Being an entrepreneur provides a sense of independence and control, which can be empowering after experiencing control in a previous relationship. Starting a business can rebuild confidence, provide a sense of purpose, and connect survivors with others. Create a new positive identity with a purpose to build confidence and hope for your future. Flexibility is another advantage of entrepreneurship, allowing mothers to create a schedule that works for them and their families. Financial stability is a benefit, although it may not be financially feasible in the beginning. There are loads of free resources, such as highly targeted podcasts, to build your  brand and attract customers. Overall, entrepreneurship can provide a fresh start and a way for survivors to take control of their future.

    What about you? Have you thought about building a business? 

    I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment or reach out directly at steph at stephaniroberts.com

    Thanks for listening! Cheering you on! xoxo!!


    • 11 min

Customer Reviews

4.5 out of 5
50 Ratings

50 Ratings

hoorae71 ,

New listener

I’m so happy to have found this podcast. If you are out of a long term relationship with a narcissist, you will appreciate this information. Many knowledgeable guests are interviewed. I’m happy I found this! Yay!

Justin T Schenck ,


This is a great show highlighting individuals on how they were able to break free from struggle to create extraordinary lives. Stephani pulls the best from her guests. Click the subscribe. You won’t regret it.

a-tribe ,

Changing from Dark to Light!

Stephanie's mission to help women who have been abused to break out and find a financial pathway to make our freedome possible it Audicious! Her supportive words strengthen me and others to keep going! Step out of the darkness and into the light!

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