The Bible Dept.

ARMA Courses
The Bible Dept.

Discover the Bible like never before with Dr. Manny Arango’s 365-day series. This daily podcast follows a One Year Bible reading plan, breaking down Scripture with context clues, nerdy nuggets, and timeless truths. Whether you're new to the Word or a seasoned reader, this is the ultimate guide to the Bible explained—helping you understand and apply it in your everyday life.

  1. 16H AGO

    Day 72: John 18-21

    The resurrection of Jesus isn’t just a historical event—it’s the moment everything changed. In just 36 hours, death was defeated, creation was renewed, and the disciples were sent out with a mission. John’s Gospel masterfully weaves Genesis themes throughout the crucifixion and resurrection, showing Jesus as the second Adam, ushering in new creation. Let’s dive into John 18-21. ✈️ Overview: • Jesus is arrested, tried, crucified, buried, and resurrected, fulfilling His mission as the Lamb of God. • His final words, “It is finished” (John 19:30), echo the completion of creation in Genesis 2:1. • Jesus’ body rests in the tomb on the Sabbath, mirroring God’s rest after creation. • On the first day of the week, Jesus rises, marking the first day of new creation. • Mary mistakes Jesus for a gardener—a powerful link back to Adam’s role in Genesis. • Jesus breathes on His disciples, just as God breathed life into Adam, giving them the Holy Spirit. 🔎 Context Clues: • New Creation & Genesis Themes: John frames Jesus’ death and resurrection as a second Genesis, launching a new creation. • Sabbath Rest: Jesus rests in the tomb on the seventh day, just as God rested after creation, reinforcing His finished work. • Charcoal Fire Parallel: Peter denies Jesus by a charcoal fire (John 18:18), but later, Jesus reinstates him by another charcoal fire (John 21:9), showing redemption. • Sunday Worship: Early Christians began worshiping on Sunday (Resurrection Day), shifting from the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday). 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • “It is Finished” vs. Genesis: Jesus’ last words echo Genesis 2:1, signifying that His work of redemption is complete. • Jesus as the New Adam: Mary mistakes Jesus for a gardener, a reference to Adam’s role in Eden—He is the true gardener of new creation. • Breath of Life: Jesus breathes on the disciples (John 20:22), just as God breathed life into Adam (Genesis 2:7), emphasizing the necessity of the Holy Spirit. • Peter’s Redemption: The charcoal fire where Peter denied Jesus is mirrored in John 21, where Jesus restores him, proving that failure doesn’t disqualify us from calling. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Jesus redeems our past failures. Peter’s biggest mistake didn’t disqualify him—Jesus restored and commissioned him. • The resurrection isn’t just an event—it’s an invitation to new life. Jesus calls us out of spiritual death and into the power of new creation. • Grace doesn’t just forgive—it empowers. Jesus doesn’t just save us from sin; He sends us into the world with a mission. • God rewrites our stories. Whatever feels dead in your life—hope, dreams, faith—can be resurrected by His power. The resurrection is the foundation of our faith. It proves that death has no hold, sin has no power, and God’s plan is unstoppable. See you tomorrow as we continue the journey with 1 John! 🚀 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    18 min
  2. 1D AGO

    Day 71: John 14-17

    Love isn’t just about happiness—it’s about commitment, sacrifice, and unity. In Jesus’ Farewell Discourse, He defines love as an act of the will, not just a feeling. He also prepares His disciples to be the new temples of the Holy Spirit and prays for supernatural unity among His followers. Let’s dive into John 14-17. ✈️ Overview: • Jesus delivers His Farewell Discourse, teaching His disciples before His crucifixion. • The Holy Spirit is promised as the Helper, guiding believers in truth and power. • Jesus redefines love—not as an emotion but as an act of obedience and sacrifice. • Jesus prays for unity, saying believers’ oneness should reflect the oneness of the Father and Son (John 17:20-23). • The Passover theme continues—Jesus, the Lamb of God, is preparing for His ultimate sacrifice. 🔎 Context Clues: • The Farewell Discourse (John 14-17) is Jesus’ final teaching, training His disciples to become living temples of God’s presence. • Unlike the Synoptic Gospels, where Jesus’ temple cleansing triggers His arrest, John highlights the raising of Lazarus as the event that seals His fate. • The Holy Spirit’s coming fulfills Old Testament promises (Ezekiel 36:26-27), empowering believers to live transformed lives. • In Jesus’ day, love wasn’t about feelings—it was a choice and a commitment to serve others. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • Seven Discourses: John structures his Gospel with seven major teachings, mirroring the seven signs and seven “I Am” statements that reveal Jesus’ identity. • Passover’s Significance: John dedicates six chapters to the final Passover week, showing Jesus as the true Passover Lamb whose death fulfills the ultimate sacrifice. • Love as a Command: Jesus’ command to love one another (John 13:34) was radical because love was seen as a duty, not a feeling. • Unity Reflects the Trinity: Jesus prays that believers will be one as He and the Father are one, making unity a supernatural sign to the world. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Love is a decision, not an emotion. True love is shown through action, obedience, and sacrifice. • The Holy Spirit is essential. Jesus cleanses us so we can be filled with God’s presence. • Unity is a testimony. The world recognizes Jesus’ followers by their love and oneness (John 17:21). • Spiritual leadership requires humility. Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, including Judas, who would betray Him. Jesus’ last teachings call us to love, unity, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. How are we living this out today? 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    20 min
  3. 2D AGO

    Day 70: John 11-13

    Jesus wasn’t just God in disguise—He was fully human. And that truth changes everything. In John 11-13, we see Jesus deeply moved, experiencing sorrow, friendship, and trust in the Father. We also witness the moment that sealed His fate: the raising of Lazarus. What does Jesus’ full humanity mean for us? And why does it matter? Let’s dive in. ✈️ Overview: • The Raising of Lazarus: This miracle pushed the religious leaders to plot Jesus’ death. • Jesus Wept: Even knowing He’d raise Lazarus, Jesus showed real emotion—proof of His full humanity. • The Final Passover Begins: John 11-13 shifts from public ministry into Jesus’ final days. • Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet: A radical act of humility, even washing the feet of His betrayer. 🔎 Context Clues: • Lazarus vs. Jesus’ Resurrection: Lazarus returned to life but would die again—Jesus’ resurrection was permanent. • Jewish Burial Customs: Lazarus had been dead four days, past the point of hope in Jewish belief. • Three Passovers in John: This Gospel uniquely marks three Passovers, showing Jesus’ ministry lasted three years. • The Footwashing & Betrayal: Jesus humbled Himself before the one who would betray Him—a powerful display of grace. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • Jesus’ Emotions Matter: His sorrow, anger, and love show He fully experienced the human condition. • John’s Gospel Prioritizes Theology Over Chronology: Events are placed to emphasize theological themes. • The Last Supper’s Location: John’s position at the table suggests the meal took place in his home. • Lazarus’ Miracle Foreshadows Jesus’ Resurrection: A preview of His victory over death. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Jesus’ Humanity Matters: Without it, His sacrifice wouldn’t be enough to redeem humanity. • Faith Requires Trust: Jesus trusted the Father to raise Lazarus, just as He trusted Him to raise Himself. • True Leadership Is Service: Jesus washed the feet of those who would deny and betray Him. • God’s Timing Is Perfect: Jesus’ delay in coming to Lazarus set up a greater miracle. John 11-13 reveals a Savior who was both fully God and fully human—who wept, loved, and trusted the Father completely. And that changes everything. 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    20 min
  4. 3D AGO

    Day 69: John 8-10

    The Gospel of John is packed with bold claims, but in chapters 8-10, Jesus makes His most shocking statement yet: “Before Abraham was, I AM.” This wasn’t just poetic language—it was a direct claim to divinity, using the sacred name of God revealed in Exodus 3. No wonder the religious leaders wanted to stone Him. But why did this statement provoke such an extreme reaction? Let’s dive in. ✈️ Overview: • Jesus attends the Feast of Tabernacles, one of the most important Jewish festivals, setting the stage for His boldest revelations. • The festival celebrates key moments from Israel’s Exodus: water from the rock, the pillar of fire, and the giving of the divine name (Yahweh). • Jesus directly ties these themes to Himself: “I am the Light of the World” (John 8:12), “If anyone is thirsty, let them come to Me” (John 7:37), and “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). • In John 10, Jesus contrasts Himself as the Good Shepherd with corrupt religious leaders, calling them “thieves” who steal, kill, and destroy. 🔎 Context Clues: • The Feast of Tabernacles – A major Jewish festival commemorating God’s provision in the wilderness. It included: • A water ceremony, recalling God providing water from the rock. • A torch-lighting ceremony, symbolizing the pillar of fire that guided Israel. • A focus on God’s name, recalling the moment He revealed “I AM” to Moses. • Jesus’ Radical Claims – His statements align perfectly with the feast’s themes, revealing that He is the fulfillment of these Old Testament events. • The Reaction – The religious leaders didn’t miss His point. They saw His “I AM” claim as blasphemy, deserving of death under Jewish law. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • Jesus Writing in the Dirt (John 8:6) – Some scholars believe He was writing Deuteronomy 22:22 and Leviticus 20:10, exposing that the religious leaders ignored the law by only bringing the woman, not the man, caught in adultery. • John’s Theme of Seven – The Gospel of John is structured around seven signs, seven “I AM” statements, seven discourses, and seven feasts, all mirroring the seven days of creation in Genesis. • The Good Shepherd vs. The Thief (John 10:10) – This isn’t primarily about Satan! Jesus is referencing Ezekiel 34, where corrupt religious leaders are condemned as thieves who exploit God’s flock. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Jesus isn’t just a teacher—He claimed to be God in the flesh. The way we respond to that claim changes everything. • God’s provision isn’t just physical (like water in the desert)—Jesus offers living water that never runs dry. • Religious hypocrisy is dangerous—spiritual leaders must reflect God’s heart, not exploit His people. • True shepherds lay down their lives for the flock—Jesus calls us to follow His example in serving others. Jesus didn’t leave room for neutral opinions—His claims were either true, or they were blasphemy. What do you say? 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    20 min
  5. 4D AGO

    Day 68: John 4-7

    The question of why Jesus didn’t heal everyone is one of the most difficult in Scripture. In John 4-7, we see Jesus performing miracles—but also choosing not to heal certain people. Why? Was it about faith? Timing? Something deeper? And what does His question to the paralyzed man—“Do you want to be healed?”—really mean for us today? Let’s dig in. ✈️ Overview: • The Samaritan Woman vs. Nicodemus – Two opposite encounters. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to Jesus at night to avoid being seen. The Samaritan woman meets Jesus at noon to avoid others. Both misunderstand Jesus by taking Him literally. • Jesus & Women – The disciples are shocked that Jesus speaks to a woman, revealing how He elevates women in a culture that diminished them. • Signs, Not Just Miracles – John records only seven specific signs, unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, where Jesus heals multitudes. These miracles serve as signposts revealing His identity, not just demonstrations of power. • The Question at Bethesda – Jesus asks a paralyzed man, “Do you want to be healed?” This isn’t about ability—it’s about willingness. Healing comes with responsibility. 🔎 Context Clues: • Healing as a Sign of New Creation – John’s Gospel uses miracles to point to something greater—not just physical healing, but spiritual renewal. • Jewish Views on Women – The Samaritan woman at the well highlights Jesus breaking cultural norms. Women were often dismissed, but Jesus dignifies and engages them in meaningful conversation. • Why Did Jesus Only Perform Seven Signs? – Unlike other Gospels, John carefully selects seven miracles to correlate with the seven days of creation, reinforcing the theme of new beginnings. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • The Seven Signs of John’s Gospel – These miracles mirror the seven days of creation, showing Jesus as the One bringing new creation. • Water as a Key Theme – Jesus turns water into wine, meets the Samaritan woman at a well, heals a man at a pool, and walks on water—all pointing to spiritual cleansing and transformation. • Jesus’ “I AM” Statements – John’s Gospel includes seven “I AM” statements (e.g., “I am the Bread of Life”) that tie directly to God’s name in Exodus, revealing Jesus as divine. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Help vs. Healing – Many people want help, but not healing. Healing requires responsibility. • Supernatural Power Requires Action – Jesus tells the paralyzed man, “Get up.” He had to take a step of faith before the miracle happened. • Do You Want to Be Healed? – This question challenges us to stop making excuses and step into the life God has for us. Jesus’ miracles in John’s Gospel aren’t just about physical healing—they reveal who He is and what He came to do. The real question isn’t whether Jesus can heal—but whether we are willing to step into the healing He offers. 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    17 min
  6. 5D AGO

    Day 67: John 1-3

    John’s Gospel is a masterpiece—radically different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Why? Because John isn’t just telling a Jewish or human story. He’s telling a God story. In today’s reading, we unpack John 1-3 and explore why this book stands apart, how it combats ancient heresies, and what Jesus meant when He told Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” ✈️ Overview: John’s Gospel isn’t like the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). It opens with “In the beginning”, intentionally linking Jesus to the creation narrative in Genesis. John presents Jesus as the Word made flesh—not just a great teacher, but fully divine. This Gospel is deeply theological, yet incredibly personal, showcasing Jesus’ intimate conversations, bold claims, and powerful miracles. 🔎 Context Clues: Why is John’s Gospel so unique? Unlike Matthew (which highlights Jesus as the Jewish Messiah) or Luke (which traces Jesus’ lineage to Adam), John goes even further back—to the very beginning of time. The Four Gospel Perspectives: If Mark portrays Jesus as the Ox (burden-bearing servant), Luke as the Man (fully human), and Matthew as the Lion (Jewish Messiah), then John portrays Him as the Eagle—transcendent, divine, above all. John’s Mission: He writes last, as an old man, addressing the rise of Gnosticism—a dangerous heresy that denied Jesus’ physical body and resurrection. His Gospel combats this, emphasizing that Jesus took on real flesh (sárx), lived, died, and rose again. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: John, the Only Disciple to See the Crucifixion: This deeply impacts his writing—his emphasis on love, truth, and Jesus’ divinity stems from witnessing Christ’s ultimate sacrifice firsthand. Why “In the Beginning” Matters: Just like Genesis 1 speaks of God creating the world, John 1 declares that Jesus was there, creating with the Father. John presents Jesus as the author of a NEW creation. Jesus vs. Gnosticism: Ancient Gnostics claimed the spiritual realm was good and the physical world was evil. But John crushes that false idea, proving that Jesus took on flesh—affirming the goodness of creation and the importance of bodily resurrection. ✅ Timeless Truths: Born Again ≠ Just a Religious Phrase: In John 3, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” For Nicodemus, a powerful, educated Pharisee, this was shocking. He had status, wealth, and power—but Jesus was saying none of that mattered in God’s Kingdom. True identity isn’t in how we’re born the first time, but in our rebirth through Christ. Why This Still Matters: Many people today still struggle with misplaced identity—whether in success, race, nationality, or status. Jesus calls us to lay down earthly markers of importance and embrace a new identity in Him. John’s Gospel is deep, bold, and transformational. Are you ready to see Jesus like never before? Stick with us as we continue through John’s powerful account tomorrow! 📖 Join the journey: Read John 1-3 today and drop a comment with your biggest takeaway! 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    18 min
  7. 6D AGO

    Day 66: James 3-5

    Your words carry more weight than you think. James 3-5 lays out a hard truth—your tongue can steer your entire life, for better or worse. Gossip, complaining, lying, and unchecked emotions? They’re not just bad habits. According to James, they can set your whole life on fire. Let’s dig into why your words matter, how to tame your tongue, and the biblical wisdom you need to speak life instead of destruction. ✈️ Overview: • James warns that the tongue is small but incredibly powerful—like a rudder steering a massive ship or a tiny spark that starts a wildfire. • He highlights the contradiction of praising God one moment and cursing people the next. • True wisdom is shown in how we speak—words reveal the state of our heart. • James calls out believers who use their words to deceive, divide, or manipulate, pointing out that godly speech is a mark of maturity. 🔎 Context Clues: • James is deeply connected to Old Testament wisdom, especially Proverbs 6:16-19, which lists things God hates—three of which are directly related to the tongue (lying, false witness, and stirring up conflict). • Jesus also reinforces this in Matthew 12:34: “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Our words reflect our inner condition. • James repeatedly urges believers to restrain the tongue, showing that spiritual maturity is about more than beliefs—it’s about transformed behavior. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • James 4:8 says, “Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” Many interpret this as proximity, but A.W. Tozer argued that closeness to God isn’t about physical nearness—it’s about likeness. The more we reflect God’s character, the closer we truly are to Him. • The phrase “taming the tongue” parallels the idea of training wild animals. Just as humans have domesticated creatures, we must actively work to discipline our speech. • In biblical times, words carried weight—they could make or break covenants. James is reminding us that careless words still carry real consequences today. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Your words determine your direction. What you say steers your life—speak wisdom, life, and truth, not destruction. • Taming your tongue is a lifelong pursuit. Even James says no human can fully tame the tongue, but growth is about making daily progress. • Confession leads to healing. James 5:16 tells us that while confessing sins to God brings forgiveness, confessing to others brings healing. • Sin isn’t just rebellion—it’s often tied to wounds. Many destructive behaviors stem from unresolved pain. True healing requires bringing these struggles into the light with trusted believers. If you’ve ever struggled with controlling your words—or if you’ve been hurt by someone else’s—James has a serious wake-up call. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone. God’s wisdom can transform your speech and your life. 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    19 min
  8. MAR 6

    Day 65: James 1-2

    James isn’t just about belief—it’s about action. This book is packed with practical wisdom that challenges us to mature in faith, endure trials, and actually live what we claim to believe. But how do we balance faith and works? And why did Martin Luther struggle with this book so much? Let’s dive into James 1-2. ✈️ Overview: • James, the brother of Jesus, writes one of the most practical books in the Bible—focusing on wisdom, not doctrine. • Unlike Paul’s letters, James is not evangelistic. He assumes his audience is already believers and calls them to maturity in faith. • The central theme: Faith without works is dead. Real faith is seen in action. • James’ style mirrors both the Book of Proverbs and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount—giving us short, memorable wisdom statements. 🔎 Context Clues: • James’ original Hebrew name is Jacob, but it was Latinized into James. • His letter is addressed to Jewish Christians, showing its deep connection to Old Testament wisdom literature. • Unlike Paul’s theological writings, James gives direct, practical commands—much like Proverbs. • The book is structured as a New Testament Proverbs, giving bite-sized wisdom on trials, temptation, speech, wealth, and true faith. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • Martin Luther famously called James an “epistle of straw” because of its emphasis on works—yet James isn’t contradicting Paul, but complementing him. • For James, faith and works aren’t in opposition. Instead, faith is the root, and works are the fruit. • The book only mentions Jesus twice—a rare feature for a New Testament letter. • Wisdom in the Bible is practical, not just philosophical. James speaks about real-life matters—how we speak, how we handle money, and how we treat others. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Mature faith requires action. Faith isn’t just belief—it’s demonstrated in how we live. • Trials develop perseverance. James says to count it joy when we face trials because they refine and mature us. • Wisdom requires discernment. Like Proverbs 26:4-5 (which gives opposite advice in two verses), wisdom is about knowing when to apply the right principle. • Faith isn’t passive—it’s active. If you claim to believe in Jesus, your actions should reflect it. James gives us a no-nonsense, in-your-face guide to real, practical Christianity. If you’re serious about growing in wisdom and faith, this book is for you. Read James 1-2 today—better yet, read the whole book! I’ll see you tomorrow for James 3-5. Don’t quit now! 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE! 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | Facebook Advertising Inquiries:

    20 min


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Discover the Bible like never before with Dr. Manny Arango’s 365-day series. This daily podcast follows a One Year Bible reading plan, breaking down Scripture with context clues, nerdy nuggets, and timeless truths. Whether you're new to the Word or a seasoned reader, this is the ultimate guide to the Bible explained—helping you understand and apply it in your everyday life.

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