100 episodes

Escape Diet Prison is a podcast for women who want to stop battling food and are ready to embrace their energetic, fierce and sexy self in order to live the life they've always wanted to live.
In this podcast, Anne-Sophie Reinhardt will share applicable advice to get you back to a place of harmony with your body, weight and food. You can look forward to discussions about emotional eating, binge eating, health, toxic beliefs, destructive habits, body image, self-love, freedom from obsession, normal eating, life beyond diets and so much more.
This podcast is for you if you're ready to challenge yourself, deconstruct old beliefs, open yourself to new realities and take action to blow open the walls you've built around yourself.
This is a great time for us women: it's the time when we can finally claim our bodies as our own without shame, without blame, without guilt.

Escape Diet Prison - The Podcast with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 19 Ratings

Escape Diet Prison is a podcast for women who want to stop battling food and are ready to embrace their energetic, fierce and sexy self in order to live the life they've always wanted to live.
In this podcast, Anne-Sophie Reinhardt will share applicable advice to get you back to a place of harmony with your body, weight and food. You can look forward to discussions about emotional eating, binge eating, health, toxic beliefs, destructive habits, body image, self-love, freedom from obsession, normal eating, life beyond diets and so much more.
This podcast is for you if you're ready to challenge yourself, deconstruct old beliefs, open yourself to new realities and take action to blow open the walls you've built around yourself.
This is a great time for us women: it's the time when we can finally claim our bodies as our own without shame, without blame, without guilt.

    What Learning How to Ski Taught Me About Body Image and Self-Love

    What Learning How to Ski Taught Me About Body Image and Self-Love

    My son and I just spent 3 days in Northern Italy learning how to ski.

    While it wasn't my first time standing on skis, I hadn't skied down any slope in over 20 years. The more I familiarized myself with the ins and outs of this snow sport, the more I recognized all the lessons that learning how to ski holds when it comes to self-love and body image. Why?

    Find out in this latest episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast.

    In this episode I share:

    Why the ski slope is a perfect metaphor for the personal journey toward embracing our body image and practicing self-love

    How skiing is an exercise in vulnerability

    The importance of patience and self-compassion when learning something new

    How to find joy in every moment, even and especially when you heal your body image

    And many more lessons about the impact of (re-)learning this skill has on leadership and personal growth

    You know that the journey towards body positivity and self-love is complex and multifaceted. It requires us to embrace our vulnerabilities, practice patience and kindness towards ourselves, and find joy in our personal growth. Learning to ski taught me that every fall is an opportunity to rise stronger and that the true joy lies in the journey, not just the destination.

    As you walk the path of learning to accept yourself for who you are, remember to be gentle with yourself, to embrace each fall as a lesson, and to cherish the beautiful, exhilarating journey of becoming your most authentic self. Because you are worth it!

    If you have thoughts or experiences related to emotional eating, I'd love to hear from you!

    I’d be super grateful if you took a moment to leave a review on iTunes. Simply click this link, click Listen on Apple Podcasts, go to Reviews and Ratings and then Write a Review.

    Love and light,


    Thanks for Subscribing to Escape Diet Prison: Apple Podcasts


    Note: This podcasts is now also available on Stitcher!

    365 Journaling Prompts for more Body-Confidence, Self-Love & Happiness

    This self-reflective program will support you in using the power of writing to nurture yourself, connect with your body and replace paralyzing doubts with loving acceptance.


    Finally Free – Guided Meditations for Freedom from Emotional Eating

    Stop the Binge-Diet Cycle for Real

    Emotional eating doesn’t fix emotional problems – even if it feels like it in the moment. It only makes you feel ashamed, guilty and, well, stuffed. With meditation, you can learn to stop, free yourself and create inner balance and healthy (= sane) eating habits again.

    Get your meditation album here.






    • 30 min
    The Psychology of Emotional Eating

    The Psychology of Emotional Eating

    In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I delve into the intricate world of emotional eating. It's a topic that touches many of you, often shrouded in confusion and misunderstanding. Today, I explore this further, shedding light on what it is, its triggers, the brain’s role, and most importantly, how you can manage it effectively.

    What is Emotional Eating?

    Emotional eating is when we use food as a way to manage or suppress our emotions. It’s not about hunger; it's about responding to feelings. Whether it's stress, boredom, sadness, or even joy, emotional eating is our psychological response to these states, often leading us to seek comfort in food.

    Triggers of Emotional Eating

    Stress is a major player here, especially evident during challenging. Emotional eating can also surge during holidays and seasonal changes, as these periods can be filled with a mix of stress and celebratory emotions.

    The Brain and Food Connection

    Fascinating research shows that emotional eating is linked to how our brain reacts to food. Emotional eaters often experience increased activity in brain areas associated with emotional processing and reward, such as the insula and amygdala. This heightened response can make certain foods feel almost irresistible during emotional upheavals.

    Effective Tools to Manage Emotional Food Cravings

    Mindfulness: Being present and acknowledging cravings without judgment.

    Physical Activities: Engaging in exercise or hobbies that divert attention from emotional cravings.

    Journaling: Writing down thoughts and feelings to understand and manage emotions better.

    Emotional Support: Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals.

    Next Steps

    Identify Your Triggers: Understanding what drives your emotional eating is crucial.

    Develop Healthier Coping Mechanisms: Find activities that can replace the urge to eat when emotional.

    Practice Mindful Eating: Eat slowly and without distraction, and learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional cravings.

    Emotional eating is a complex issue that intertwines our psychological state with our eating habits. It’s essential to recognize that overcoming it goes beyond simple willpower. With awareness, understanding, and the right strategies, it's possible to develop a healthier relationship with food and our emotions.

    If you have thoughts or experiences related to emotional eating, I'd love to hear from you!

    I’d be super grateful if you took a moment to leave a review on iTunes. Simply click this link, click Listen on Apple Podcasts, go to Reviews and Ratings and then Write a Review.

    Love and light,


    Thanks for Subscribing to Escape Diet Prison: Apple Podcasts


    Note: This podcasts is now also available on Stitcher!


    365 Journaling Prompts for more Body-Confidence, Self-Love & Happiness

    This self-reflective program will support you in using the power of writing to nurture yourself, connect with your body and replace paralyzing doubts with loving acceptance.


    Finally Free – Guided Meditations for Freedom from Emotional Eating

    Stop the Binge-Diet Cycle for Real

    Emotional eating doesn’t fix emotional problems – even if it feels like it in the moment. It only makes you feel ashamed, guilty and, well, stuffed. With meditation, you can learn to stop, free yourself and create inner balance and healthy (= sane) eating habits again.

    Get your meditation album here.






    • 32 min
    The Only Alternative To Dieting (And Why It Just Keeps On Getting Better!)

    The Only Alternative To Dieting (And Why It Just Keeps On Getting Better!)

    In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I share the number 1 alternative to dieting, why it's important to create a personal mission statement and how I created the life I've dreamt in the last 2 years.

    I’d be super grateful if you took a moment to leave a review on iTunes. Simply click this link, click Listen on Apple Podcasts, go to Reviews and Ratings and then Write a Review.

    Love and light,


    Thanks for Subscribing to Escape Diet Prison: 

    Note: This podcasts is now also available on Stitcher!


    • 23 min
    A Dark Night of the Soul – And Where Do We Go From Here?!

    A Dark Night of the Soul – And Where Do We Go From Here?!

    In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I open up about my struggles with severe depression, share some exciting news with you, give you a glimpse behind the scenes of what happened in the last few months and I'm looking ahead toward the future of this work.

    I talk about tapping, being boldly magnificent, coming to terms with feelings and situations you don't want to accept and learning to be extra kind towards yourself.

    I’d be super grateful if you took a moment to leave a review on iTunes. Simply click this link, click Listen on Apple Podcasts, go to Reviews and Ratings and then Write a Review.

    Love and light,


    Thanks for Subscribing to Escape Diet Prison: 

    Note: This podcasts is now also available on Stitcher!

    I have super exciting news. I am leading a whole new LIVE round of my best-selling program NEXT LEVEL LIVING.

    If you’ve been living a life of disconnection, of fear, of struggling with self-acceptance and body image fears, please know that there IS a different life in the stars for you.

    You CAN learn to surrender to your feelings and create freedom around your painful stories, destructive thoughts and toxic beliefs.

    You CAN (and yes you will) be happy, full of bliss even if there are moments of despair.

    You CAN walk through life full of self-confidence and body-esteem even if you are done with shaping and forming and twisting yourself into a body that was not meant for you.

    You CAN create your next level (or – for most of us – first level) LIFE.

    A life that is actually worth living.

    Check out the details here and be sure to take advantage of the Early Bird Offer! https://www.annesophie.us/next-level-living/

    If you need a payment plan, contact me.

    If you want to get the ultimate support, choose the VIP option. It’s 50% off for existing clients.

    • 39 min
    5 steps to radical self-care: a framework for self-love

    5 steps to radical self-care: a framework for self-love

    In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I share 5 steps to incorporate self-care into your life and embrace yourself on a whole new level.

    When I first began taking the concept of self-care really seriously, it felt quite uncomfortable to me.

    How would I be able to take care of myself in a way that was actually nurturing instead of destructive? How could I be kind and loving to myself instead of feeling hateful and ashamed? How could I ever feel at home in my body and soul when all I wanted was to be someone I was not?

    I didn’t know the answers but I knew that I needed self-care big time. I was drowning in my guilt and shame and I knew that turning around my view of self-care was essential for me in order to pave a path to more self-love and to a healthier life. So, slowly, step by step, I dipped my toes into the practice of self-care and with it, I began to recover from an almost life-long battle with self-esteem and self-kindness.

    Over the years, I learned that taking care of myself was an ongoing practice, but that I didn't have to put myself into a box (you probably know how much I hate being "imprisoned" in systems) in order to succeed at continuously making sure that I was looking after my needs.

    I created a framework for self-love that is not only super flexible but also super effective and today, I'd love to share this framework with you.

    Here are 5 steps to incorporating the practice of self-care into your life.

    Commit to Self-Care

    The first step towards any change is always commitment. A really, effin' big commitment. A daily commitment, in fact.

    You need to make a pact with yourself, promising yourself to do what it takes to take care of YOU.

    Now, to be totally transparent, I had to renew this promise many times as I slipped and fell, but with each renewal, my resolve grew.

    So, commit to your healing, commit to your self-care, commit to your life. Every single day.


    Don’t be afraid of touching your body. When we lack self-esteem, feel big and too much, we often have no idea where our boundaries are. The more we touch, the more we’ll know where we begin and where we stop.

    This creates an unmeasurable level of self-awareness and it also elevates your relationship with your body and weight. You can’t continue to live in your head, but truly need to drop into your body more and more.

    Touch will do that for you.

    Let go

    Part of my self-care practice was to let go of many thoughts, concepts, "realities", dreams, and people in order to gain life, energy and joy.

    I let go of toxic friends who were constantly talking about diets and weight loss. I let go of Facebook pages because of the constant bombardment with "positive thinking" without any research or actual tools behind their words.

    Over time, I began to say goodbye to the dream of being someone else, someone my parents wanted me to be (aka. a doctor or a CEO, someone who was suuuuper successful in society's eyes). I released the desire inside of staying a little kid without female curves or responsibilities of an adult and instead began to take ownership over my life and my heart's longings.

    Letting go, saying goodbye, and decluttering is a big process on the way to cultivating a rock-solid and life-affirming self-care practice. If you do it consciously and courageously, you’ll take huge leaps forward and live a kind of freedom that you may now only dream of.

    Use your senses

    Walk barefoot and feel the blades of grass touching your feet. Use essential oils and make it a game to become aware of all the nuances in the scent. Feel the rain or the sun kiss your skin. What do you notice? What does it feel like? Massage your hands when you’re at work. Stretch when you get out of bed and allow your...

    • 23 min
    Covid-19 & How to Overcome the Fear of the Future

    Covid-19 & How to Overcome the Fear of the Future

    The Covid-19 pandemic has the world holding our collective breath and has given birth to a tremendous amount of inner turmoil. Many of my clients talk about waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks, experiencing major headaches and a general feeling of unease.

    There's the pain of the current situation, but also the fear of the future.

    When is this horror going to end?

    How are our lives ever go back to normal?

    Will I stay healthy or will a loved one be infected?

    What if my gym will stay closed for another for months?

    What's going to happen after all of this?

    Can I ever go back to work again?

    Will my kid return to school this term?

    When will I see my friends again? My grandma? My sister?

    These are just some of the questions we ask ourselves and create major (mostly painful) stories around; an endless loop of negative thoughts that keep us stuck in fear.

    I love the dream of past and future. They seem so real. - Byron Katie

    Yes, this is an extreme time. Yes, we are afraid. Yes, the future is uncertain.

    But it's never been any different.

    In essence, nothing's changed.

    We've never been guaranteed a tomorrow or even a life in an hour. Life is uncertain in its essence - whether there's a pandemic or not.

    The worry about the future, the constant creation of horror scenarios inside your mind, the hopelessness and inner terror will not create the outcome you desire and will not change a thing about what is currently happening.

    Instead of worrying, begin to allow yourself to be in the present, relax and create the grounds for power and aligned action. How? This is what I talk about in the podcast!

    I’d be super grateful if you took a moment to leave a review on iTunes. Simply click this link, click Listen on Apple Podcasts, go to Reviews and Ratings and then Write a Review.

    Love and light,


    Thanks for Subscribing to Escape Diet Prison: 

    Note: This podcasts is now also available on Stitcher!


    Get Your 101 Body-Respect Affirmations Now!



    • 29 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
19 Ratings

19 Ratings

Grammalorilee ,

Such a wonderful leader in this arena

Anne-Sophie gives great encouragement through her podcasts! I am learning to be compassionate toward myself and patient with my progress in ending the diet mentality!

Adding to my previous review, Anne-Sophie is truly caring of the people she shares with and continues to cheer me on(all of us) while she speaks through her podcast and shares on her Facebook account.

Futbolaya18 ,

A path to freedom!

Escape the diet trap! Gain your freedom and learn to love yourself! Diets don’t work, except for the bank accounts of the diet industry. Learn how to leave the prison of endless diets and find true freedom!

bodypeace ,

Just listened to the podcast with Jennifer Rollin

What an amazingly insightful podcast with eating disorder therapist, Jennifer Rollin. I am also an eating disorder therapist and have not a podcast about sexuality and intimacy in relation to ED. What an important topic! Jennifer is amazing as is the host of this podcast. ❤️

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