A Thriller
4.1 • 113 Ratings
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Publisher Description
Chilling and complex, Nightblind is an extraordinary thriller from Ragnar Jónasson, an undeniable new talent.
Ari Thor Arason is a local policeman who has an uneasy relationship with the villagers in an idyllically quiet fishing village in Northern Iceland—where no one locks their doors.
The peace of this close-knit community is shattered by a murder. One of Ari’s colleagues is gunned down at point-blank range in the dead of night in a deserted house. With a killer on the loose and the dark Arctic waters closing in, it falls to Ari Thor to piece together a puzzle that involves a new mayor and a psychiatric ward in Reykjavik. It becomes all too clear that tragic events from the past are weaving a sinister spell that may threaten them all.
Set five years after the action of Snowblind, J nasson's excellent second thriller featuring Ari Th r Arason to be published in the U.S. finds Ari Th r passed over for the position of inspector in the small Icelandic town of Siglufj rdur, a setback mitigated by his reunion with his girlfriend, Krist n, and the birth of their son, Stefnir. When Herj lfur, the man who got the inspector's position, dies after being blasted at close range by a shotgun near an abandoned house, Ari Th r's former superior, T mas, oversees the investigation. Ari Th r and T mas step on some powerful toes as they follow leads pointing to the town's mayor, Gunnar Gunnarsson; phone records show that Herj lfur called Gunnarsson late at night shortly before the attack. The mayor's claim that the conversation was about traffic strikes the pair as implausible. Ari Th r soon begins to feel like a "stranger in a place where everyone was connected and no one could be trusted completely." J nasson plants clues fairly before a devastatingly unexpected reveal, without sublimating characterization to plot.