From the first blazing notes of “Lord Almighty” through the punchy rhythms of “We Glorify Your Name,” Kristian Stanfill keeps his message securely upon the Word throughout Mountains Move. The Georgia-based singer/songwriter has been a key member of the Passion movement’s worship team, reaching thousands of college students across the U.S. Beyond his galvanizing spirit on stage, Stanfill has shown an impressive ability as a tunesmith — this time out, he delivers a set of tunes bristling with hooks and infused with passionate faith. Some tracks — most notably the ballad “Holding My World” — are reflections upon the sustaining power of God through times of personal trial. “Day After Day” takes the lyric scope even wider as it contrasts mankind’s weakness with the Lord’s unchanging strength. “Like a Lion,” “Say, Say” and similar tracks are unbridled calls for celebration, driven home by Stanfill’s enraptured vocals. The subdued, deeply reverent “You Will Reign” and the string-accented, soundtrack-like “Over All the Earth” add sonic contrast to this rock-oriented set.