Darren Korb’s first game soundtrack was for Amir Rao’s critically acclaimed, 2 million–seller Bastion. It's no surprise that Rao again turned to his boyhood friend to score Transistor; he shrewdly gives its action play a pop music angle. This soundtrack "definitely feels pretty different,” Korb says. “I wanted to do some of the similar synthesis of different styles that I did in Bastion, but it’s a different set of [influences] this time.” Korb explains it’s “a game where you play someone who was a singer. It’s definitely an important part of her character, so the use of vocals in this game has increased. I’m definitely hoping that will contribute to the understanding of her character.” Korb says this shift in focus has yielded a soundtrack “with a lot more electronic elements. It feels quite a bit darker. There's a lot of percussion and stuff, but it has less of a trip-hop vibe. I’m taking influences from everything like Imogen Heap, Björk, and Radiohead to post-rock and electronic.”