The New Game of Death
In America, whether it was known as King Of Kung-fu or He’s A Hero He’s A Legend, or even Goodbye Bruce Lee, it was crudely edited and exploited. Finally, here is The New Game Of Death as it was originally created. And even if you know the star by his real name, Ho Chung-tao, he is better known throughout the world as Bruce Li, the best of the Bruce Lee imitators. After the tragic and untimely death of Bruce Lee prior to his completion of his well-publicized final film, The Game Of Death, many filmmakers rushed in to do their version of the story, but this was one of the better attempts. Wearing the trademark yellow jumpsuit with the black stripe, Bruce Li takes on every manner of Asian martial artist to save his lady love.
主演 Bruce Li、Robert Kerver、Ronald Brown
導演 Pin Lin