100 episodes

Edutainment interviews filled with wisdom + intriguing stories help aspiring young adults navigate all the key life milestones not taught in school. El and Dave chat with fascinating individuals from an array of backgrounds who will unwrap simple answers to complicated mysteries and share their golden nuggets of inspiration. All so you can learn to reinforce your greatest strengths and improve your biggest weaknesses without (you yourself) facing that confusing fork in the road or experiencing that mind-boggling labyrinth of pain-filled potholes on your own path. You can just sit back in your most comfortable easy chair or go on a healthy walk and, at the same time, target any of the four key aspects of life (Health, Relationship, Career or Money) by collectively examining and unearthing the successes and struggles of our multigenerational list of guest experts. Find new truths, sidestep roadblocks, avoid future problems, fearlessly build confidence, overcome that pesky feeling of overwhelm plus get comfortable with a boatload of tools, tips and valuable adulting tactics. Join us on a journey of reflection, discovery and self-growth! Subscribe TODAY to our Wisdom Sharing Radio Show and prepare to transform your TOMORROW!

Power Adulting Podcast El Brownell & Dave Koch

    • Education
    • 4.9 • 22 Ratings

Edutainment interviews filled with wisdom + intriguing stories help aspiring young adults navigate all the key life milestones not taught in school. El and Dave chat with fascinating individuals from an array of backgrounds who will unwrap simple answers to complicated mysteries and share their golden nuggets of inspiration. All so you can learn to reinforce your greatest strengths and improve your biggest weaknesses without (you yourself) facing that confusing fork in the road or experiencing that mind-boggling labyrinth of pain-filled potholes on your own path. You can just sit back in your most comfortable easy chair or go on a healthy walk and, at the same time, target any of the four key aspects of life (Health, Relationship, Career or Money) by collectively examining and unearthing the successes and struggles of our multigenerational list of guest experts. Find new truths, sidestep roadblocks, avoid future problems, fearlessly build confidence, overcome that pesky feeling of overwhelm plus get comfortable with a boatload of tools, tips and valuable adulting tactics. Join us on a journey of reflection, discovery and self-growth! Subscribe TODAY to our Wisdom Sharing Radio Show and prepare to transform your TOMORROW!

    #097 Re-create Yourself NOW using Joy & Self-Love! {Season Finale}

    #097 Re-create Yourself NOW using Joy & Self-Love! {Season Finale}

    Encouragement is what comes to mind for this show.

    In other words, don’t let the comparison game, what-ifs, or failures we've accomplished in life… stop us from pursuing our dreams. We can delete those limiting beliefs and start over—with a whole new identity—at any point in time!

    Enjoy and let us know, @poweradulting on Instagram, if you'd like to join a workshop on our 5-Step Formula to wipe out limiting beliefs.

    Reach out to El & Dave by going to contact@poweradulting.com 

    Go to—>  https://poweradulting.lpages.co/challenge/    For our FREE 5-Day Challenge to help you Crack the Zillennial Success Code

    Go here for a FREE Mistakes & Mindset Journal… 

    • 30 min
    #096 How to Mess Up Your Money… Again & Again

    #096 How to Mess Up Your Money… Again & Again

    We're excited to have you here, because this episode is more laughs per minute than ever before. Yes, there were some comical financial mistakes over the last decade but also some serious lessons that helped El right the boat and plug the leaks in her pocketbook. 

    Jump into the dinghy with us and enjoy the ride…


    Reach out to El & Dave by going to contact@poweradulting.com 

    Go to—>  https://poweradulting.lpages.co/challenge/    For our FREE 5-Day Challenge to help you Crack the Zillennial Success Code

    Go here for a FREE Mistakes & Mindset Journal… 

    • 29 min
    #095 The Delicate Finesse of How to Fail Forward

    #095 The Delicate Finesse of How to Fail Forward

    I don't know how many authors, experts, and influencers have talked about this same thing lately. BUT when asked what makes them extraordinary the same answer comes up over and over again.

    They all say, “It's a deep curiosity to learn and relishing in the fails.”

    Listen in for more on how to develop that powerfully essential skill.


    Reach out to El & Dave by going to contact@poweradulting.com 

    Go to—>  https://poweradulting.lpages.co/challenge/    For our FREE 5-Day Challenge to help you Crack the Zillennial Success Code

    Go here for a FREE Mistakes & Mindset Journal… 

    • 28 min
    #094 Can’t Get No… Job Satisfaction

    #094 Can’t Get No… Job Satisfaction

    Only 20% of us are passionate about our work which, according to Zippia, is why “61% of American employees want to leave their current jobs in 2023.” For the majority of folks who dislike what we're doing right NOW… this show is gonna be a godsend. 
    Join us to discuss the many options you have for being happier and moving forward.
    Reach out to El & Dave by going to contact@poweradulting.com 
    Go to—>  https://poweradulting.lpages.co/challenge/    For our FREE 5-Day Challenge to help you Crack the Zillennial Success Code
    Go here for a FREE Mistakes & Mindset Journal… 

    • 26 min
    #093 Four Simple Words That STOP Fights

    #093 Four Simple Words That STOP Fights

    If you're confused with those four words, you won't be by the end of this show as El shares her therapist’s four steps to stellar communication. This tried and true model can revolutionize ANY relationship by stopping fights before they even start.
    Learn this tip & transform your partner… overnight!!!
    Be a “Power Helper” and subscribe to our podcast for more life hacks just like this first thing on Thursday mornings.

    Reach out to El & Dave by going to contact@poweradulting.com 
    Go to—>  https://poweradulting.lpages.co/challenge/    For our FREE 5-Day Challenge to help you Crack the Zillennial Success Code
    Go here for a FREE Mistakes & Mindset Journal… 

    • 29 min
    #092 Healing the Pain of Grief with El & Dave

    #092 Healing the Pain of Grief with El & Dave

    We don’t often think of grief as a good thing, but El has a whole new perspective on the pain we all experience in life. If you master this mind shift, there might be a few tears… but there are no limits on your life!

    Jump on over and subscribe for more touching shows just like this.

    Reach out to El & Dave by going to contact@poweradulting.com 
    Go to—>  https://poweradulting.lpages.co/challenge/    For our FREE 5-Day Challenge to help you Crack the Zillennial Success Code
    Go here for a FREE Mistakes & Mindset Journal… 

    • 25 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
22 Ratings

22 Ratings

Selina Almodovar ,

Such An Awesome Resource for Adulting!

I loved getting the chance to chat with Dave and El on this podcast! They’re energy is so warm and lighthearted, it made me feel like we could talk about anything! And that’s exactly the type of mindset you wanna have when it comes to figuring out the struggles of adulting!

Not only did I feel like the episode I was on was special, but each episode they have created and hosted feels just like that! I’m excited to read their book and to learn more about topics of adulting with this power host duo!!

Pint Glass Football Podcast ,


Interesting, informative, and inspiring podcast with great guests that never disappoint! Put this show in rotation today, because it’s a game changer!

MarshJp ,

Very Caring

They’re very Enthusiastic and Caring in their approach to get the best information and the simplest route to your best life!!!

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